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Home > Products > Actuator SAM 1P/2P 
Actuator SAM 1P/2P
Actuator SAM 1P/SAM 2P is driven by a synchronous motor.
The maximum torque of SAM 1P is 3 N·m, and the maximum torque of SAM 2P is 20 N·m.
Two-point step signal control, three-point step signal control and 4~20 mA l continuous signal control is optional. And the opening time of full stroke has three options: 3 s, 30 s and 60 s.
The open position and closed position can be precisely restricted by adjusting the cams inside actuator.
For three-point step signal control, a high-precision 4-20 mA current feedback signal is optional, which can check the valve position in real time.
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